Emotional and Addiction Recovery Coach's Blog

July 24, 2009

Money Relationship

Filed under: Choices,Thought Life,Uncategorized — The UnEmotional Eater @ 7:55 am
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You know I work with people every day in dealing with their emotional and addiction issues. One of the topics that no one every wants to talk about but typically is struggling with is money. Not necessarily how much they make but often times it is how much they keep. What I have come to realize is that just like many other aspects of our lives people who struggle with emotional or addiction issues often give objects inappropriate jobs. Money would fall into that category. So let’s ask a few questions.

  1. If money were a person who do you know that it is like?
  2. Does it like you?
  3. Do you like it?
  4. How do you treat each other?
  5. Do you trust each other?
  6. What do you say to one another?
  7. If money were a person what personality or character traits does it have?
  8. What did you hear about money when you were growing up?
  9. What beliefs get between you and prosperity?
  10. What have you heard about women and money?

I find these questions to be confrontational to my belief system about money. Try them out and see what you learn is going on in your head about money! It will explain a lot about what is going on in your checkbook!

Your Emotional and Addiction Recovery Coach – Tammy

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