Emotional and Addiction Recovery Coach's Blog

July 22, 2009

Sit and Be Still

Filed under: Choices,Thought Life,Uncategorized — The UnEmotional Eater @ 12:05 pm
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Again reading another newsletter that I subscribe to www.48days.com I had a friend that was trying to make a huge decision so he went to a monastery in North Georgia for a week. There is something about getting away, alone with God. We all talk about it but so few of us take a bold step such as my friend to truly do that for longer than a few hours. I will remind you that satan loves distraction. We are emotionally numb be all the media coming at us and that we are putting out. We are numb by television, computers, radio/iPod, reading, you name it. As far fetched as going to a monastery may sound it might be worthy of consideration. Just thought I would put it out there for your consideration.

Your Emotional and Addiction Recovery Coach,


Are you exhausted with the bombardments of deadlines, required planning meetings, urgent emails, tweets and 55 more people who want to “friend” you on FaceBook? Maybe you need to disconnect from those demands that consume your days.

Have you considered a few days in a monastery? I’m serious. No, you don’t have to take a vow of chastity or poverty – just spend a few days in this alternate lifestyle. There are hundreds of them across the country that will welcome you into their quiet world. You may want to sign up for a retreat with a focus. A retreat is a time to “take off your shoes,” to leave schedules and projects behind, and to be open and vulnerable – ready to be changed and deepened, and to view one’s own life as “holy ground.”

You may just need a few days of simple living, quiet and solitude with no stated focus. “We open our doors to anyone,” says Sister Josie Sanchez, of the Benet Hill Monastery in Colorado Springs. “And if a person can’t afford the $50 per night fee for accommodations and food, they can work around the property,” she says. Another center says they will help you “Retreat, Rest, Reflect, and Renew.”

I personally have spent time at the The Abbey of Gethsemani in Trappist, Kentucky. You may be familiar with this monastery as the home of author Thomas Merton. One of their stated goals is to “tone down excessive self-concern.” Thus there is no talking. Yes, it’s a little odd at first but I quickly got used to and welcomed it. A wonderful time for contemplation, prayer and cleansing. All they ask for is an anonymous donation as you leave.

No phones, TV or email will cause any of us to think and reflect in ways we normally miss. Believe me, you will hear, see and think things you’ve been missing all along. You may get a clearer sense of your purpose in the absence of daily clutter and chatter. And most of these monasteries have an architectural beauty that is rare in the United States.

Here’s a list of over 1200 monasteries in the English-speaking world: Religious Life Communities

I had already scheduled this newsletter for delivery when I got a message about an upcoming John Michael Talbot retreat at his monastery farm in Berryville, Arkansas. John Michael was a very successful member of the old country folk/rock band Mason Proffit, but decided to withdraw from that life. On August 7-9, 2009 he’ll be teaching Lessons of St. Francis. The registration fee is only $200. Or you can wait until the following week and catch Michael Card at the same retreat center.

As in most areas of our lives, we get to choose. Do you want one more draining trip to Disneyland or a few days of quiet, peaceful silence.

High Blood Pressure

Filed under: Recovery Nutrition,Uncategorized — The UnEmotional Eater @ 11:53 am

I went to the doctor yesterday with my 71 year old aunt. Lots of oddities here like how did we both get so old? My aunt was always young and all the sudden she needs someone to go to the doctor with her to keep the information straight, that makes me sad. Secondly how did I get so old that I was the one trying to care take a little? Anyway as most people I know she too was taking blood pressure medication. I subscribe to a newsletter called Natural News, I received this reality check in Mike’s article today and thought it worthy of passing on. I included a link at the bottom if you want to read additional articles or subscribe.

NaturalNews Tip of the day (from Mike):

High blood pressure is not a disease; it’s a side effect of your body trying to pump blood through either constricted arteries (atherosclerosis) or with unnaturally thick blood (sludge blood). You can vastly improve the quality of your blood and your circulatory system by avoiding fried foods, dairy products and processed meats while boosting the consumption of plant juices and plant-based fats such as flax, chia, almonds, coconuts and avocados.


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